Transfinder opening satellite office in Austin
- Category Featured, Announcements

Todd Kehoe
Research Director- Albany Business Review
November 5, 2014
Transfinder Corp., based in Schenectady, New York, has been one of the region's fastest-growing companies for years.
Now, it's embarking on its first expansion outside of the area, and plans to open a satellite office in Austin, Texas, to serve customers in that state.
About 20 percent of the company's clients are based in Texas, the largest amount in any state outside New York, said President and CEO Antonio Civitella.
That's why he says Austin makes sense for the technology company, which develops bus-routing software for school districts to increase the efficiency of routes and save on transportation costs.
"Texas has been on my mind for a long time. We've done very well there." Civitella said.
Civitella announced the company's plan for a satellite office Wednesday evening while he accepted his Newsmaker award at the Albany Business Review's Achievers awards ceremony.
The company already has a handful of employees in Texas who work independently. Civitella expects to hire a few more and have 10 employees working out of the new office.
The Austin site will focus on customer service with software development remaining in Schenectady, Civitella said.
A team from Transfinder is traveling to Austin in two weeks to scout for a location. The company is working with the mayor's office and the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce on finding a site.
The goal is to open the office within the first quarter of 2015.
Once the Austin office opens, Civitella said the company will consider other satellite offices, including some overseas in Europe and Asia.
"Going from zero to one is always a big step," he said.