12 Jan

Partner Update: Southwest Allen County School District

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16 Dec

The app alerts users when buses have arrived or departed certain sites and can also track mileage and efficiency of routes.

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17 Sep
Transfinder Flashback: Teamwork!

From The Times Union / By Antonio Civitella / August 8, 2017 Summertime is the busiest time of year for our support teams. School districts’ transportation departments are getting ready for their first day of school and everyone is working feverishly to make it the smoothest opening ever. Because it is so busy, people in other departments are fielding calls and assisting clients as well. Summer inside school transportation departments is similar to what Black Friday is for retailers.  [...]

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8 Sep
Transfinder Flashback: Why am I wishing my team a Happy New Year?

Transfinder CEO Antonio Civitella tells his sales team, “Happy New Year,” as a new school year kicks off.

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