15 Mar

The director of transportation at Florence (Ariz.) Unified School District #1 shares some of her transportation department's best practices.

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12 Mar

From The Times UnionBy Larry Rulison Updated 4:26 pm EDT, Monday, March 11, 2019 Schenectady Transfinder CEO Antonio Civitella has opened offices in Austin, Texas and Shanghai, China in recent years, ensuring the Schenectady transportation routing software company has all the employees that it needs to serve its 2,000 customers, most of them school districts, from around the country.  But Civitella has decided to push forward with a somewhat less global approach to workforce [...]

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3 Feb

In a story in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette about Bryant School District, the new transportation director, Scott Curtis, says the district bought Transfinder's routing software, saying it "helps his department provide safer transportation for the students and helps communicate better with parents.

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